
Stadel, M., Langener, A. M., Hoemann, K., & Bringmann, L. F. (2025). Assessing daily life activities with experience sampling methodology (ESM): Scoring predefined categories or qualitative analysis of open-ended responses? Methods in Psychology, 12, 100177. PDF Data

Şencan, R. S., Mesquita*, B., & Hoemann*, K. (2025). Cultural fit in emotion versus language: A study of Dutch-speaking Belgians and Turkish migrants in Belgium. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1488779. PDF

Fugate, J. M. B., Gendron, M., & Hoemann, K. (2024). Links between emotion word usage, understanding, accuracy, and emotional dysregulation: An integrative analysis. Affective Science. https:// PDF

Hoemann, K., Warfel, E., Mills, C., Allen, L., Kuppens, P., & Wormwood, J. B. (2024). Using freely generated labels rather than rating scales to assess emotion in everyday life. Assessment. PDF Data

Hoemann, K. (2024). What’s in an emotion word? The multiple roles of labeling in emotional functioning and well-being. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 80, 33-72. PDF

Lee, Y., Jasini, A., Hoemann, K., & Mesquita, B. (2024). The composition of friendship networks predicts emotional fit among Turkish Belgian adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. PDF
Lo, T. T., van Lissa, C. J., Verhagen, M., Hoemann, K., Erbas, Y., & Maciejewski, D. (2024). A theory-informed emotion regulation variability index: Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. Emotion. PDF Data
Entwistle, C., Horn, A. B., Meier, T., Hoemann, K., Miano, A., & Boyd, R. L. (2023). Natural emotion vocabularies and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 14, 100647. PDF Data
Hoemann, K., Wormwood, J. B., Barrett, L. F., & Quigley, K. S. (2023). Multimodal, idiographic ambulatory sensing will transform our understanding of emotion. Affective Science, 4(3), 480-486. PDF
Hoemann, K., Gendron, M., Crittenden, A. N., Mangola, S. M., Endeko, E. S., Dussault, È., Barrett, L. F., & Mesquita, B. (2023). What we can learn about emotion by talking with the Hadza. Perspectives on Psychological Science. PDF
Ogren, M., Barrett, L. F., Hoemann, K., & LoBue, V. (2023). Heightened fearfulness in infants is not adaptive. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e73. PDF
Hoemann, K. (2023). Beyond linguistic relativity, emotion concepts illustrate how meaning is contextually and individually variable. Topics in Cognitive Science, 15(4), 668-675. PDF
Hoemann, K., Lee, Y., Kuppens, P., Gendron, M., & Boyd, R. L. (2023). Emotional granularity is associated with daily experiential diversity. Affective Science, 4(2), 291-306. PDF Data
Hoemann, K., Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2022). Assessing the power of words to facilitate emotion category learning. Affective Science, 3(1), 69-80. PDF Data
Hoemann, K., Nielson, C., Yuen, A., Gurera, J. W., Quigley, K. S., & Barrett, L. F. (2021). Expertise in emotion: A scoping review and unifying framework for individual differences in the mental representation of emotional experience. Psychological Bulletin, 147(11), 1159-1183. PDF Data
Le Mau*, T., Hoemann*, K., Lyons, S., Fugate, J. M. B., Brown, E. N., Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2021). Professional actors demonstrate variability, not stereotypical expressions, when portraying emotional states in photographs. Nature Communications, 12(1), 5037. PDF Data
Hoemann, K., Barrett, L. F., & Quigley, K. S. (2021). Emotional granularity increases with intensive ambulatory assessment: Methodological and individual factors influence how much. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 714125. PDF Data
Hoemann*, K., Khan*, Z., Kamona, N., Dy, J., Barrett, L. F., & Quigley, K. (2021). Investigating the relationship between emotional granularity and cardiorespiratory physiological activity in daily life. Psychophysiology, 58(6), e13818. PDF Data
Hoemann, K., Hartley, L., Watanabe, A., Solana Leon, E., Katsumi, Y., Barrett, L. F., & Quigley, K. S., (2021). The N400 indexes acquisition of novel emotion concepts via conceptual combination. Psychophysiology, 58(2), e13727. PDF
Hoemann, K., Vicaria, I. M., Gendron, M., & Stanley, J. T. (2021). Introducing a face sort paradigm to evaluate age differences in emotion perception. Journal of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences, 76(7), 1272-1281. PDF Data
Azari, B., Westlin, C., Satpute, A. B., Hutchinson, J. B., Kragel, P. A., Hoemann, K., Khan, Z., Wormwood, J. B., Quigley, K. S., Erdogmus, D., Dy, J., Brooks, D. H., & Barrett, L. F. (2020). Finding what you are looking for: Comparing supervised and unsupervised approaches to emotion categorization. Scientific Reports, 10, 20284. PDF
Hoemann*, K., Khan*, Z., Feldman, M. J., Nielson, C., Devlin, M., Dy, J., Barrett, L. F., Wormwood, J. B., & Quigley, K. S. (2020). Context-aware experience sampling reveals the scale of variation in affective experience. Scientific Reports, 10, 12459. PDF Data
Gendron, M., Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A. N., Mangola, S. M., Ruark, G. A., & Barrett, L. F. (2020). Emotion perception in Hadza hunter-gatherers. Scientific Reports, 10, 3867. PDF
Hoemann, K., Devlin, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2020). Emotions are abstract, conceptual categories that are learned by a predicting brain. Emotion Review, 12(4), 253-255. PDF
Hoemann*, K., Wu*, R., LoBue*, V., Oakes*, L. M., Xu*, F. & Barrett*, L. F. (2020). Developing an understanding of emotion categories: Lessons from objects. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(1), 39-51. PDF
Betz, N., Hoemann, K., & Barrett, L.F. (2019). Words are a context for mental inference. Emotion, 19(8), 1463-1477. PDF
Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A. N., Msafiri, S., Liu, Q., Li, C., Roberson, D., Ruark, G. A., Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2019). Context facilitates performance on a classic cross-cultural emotion perception task. Emotion, 19(7), 1292-1313. PDF
Hoemann, K., Xu, F., & Barrett, L. F. (2019). Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental Psychology, 55(9), 1830-1849. PDF
Hoemann, K. & Barrett, L. F. (2019). Concepts dissolve artificial boundaries in the study of emotion and cognition, uniting body, brain, and mind. Cognition and Emotion, 33(1), 67-76. PDF
Hoemann, K., Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2017). Mixed emotions in the predictive brain. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 15, 51-57. PDF
Jończyk, R., Boutonnet, B., Musiał, K., Hoemann, K., & Thierry, G. (2016). The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(3), 527-540. PDF